
Sweet Potato + Lucuma + Maca + Cacai + Yacon

To obtain the energy and resistance necessary in your day to day, to build muscles or help the body to recover after intense activities we have superfoods. Thanks to its powerful nutrients, many of them essential for a strong and active body such as proteins, minerals, antioxidants and adaptogens.

The combination of these super foods makes this super product ENERGY by South Garden as one of the best energy enhancers for the body.

With this mixture you can benefit daily from the perfect dose of:

Energy and fiber that your body needs thanks to the large amount of vitamin A in the form of carotenes provided by sweet potatoes.

Body and mental energy thanks to the high content of vitamin B3, also known as niacin, from lucuma.

Vitality and energy, in addition to physical and mental endurance thanks to the amount of essential amino acids and minerals of maca, fantastic super Andean root used by the Peruvian natives more than 2000 years ago in the Inca era.

Increased energy levels as well as improved mood thanks to theobromine present in cocoa, a powerful superfood with a lot of benefits.

Phosphorus guaranteeing to raise the levels of energy thanks to the yacón, a Peruvian tuber cultivated in warm zones of the Peruvian Andes.